Friday 16 October 2015


Minister of Arts & Culture, Nathi Mthethwa, yesterday made an impassioned plea for South Africans to get back to visiting; even if people have nothing to speak about.

"Facebook has become the new 'kuier'. But we should get back to visiting people at their homes instead of just asking 'howzit' in a Facebook message.", said Mthethwa. 
Nathi Mthethwa looks tired after visiting 300 people
"Conversations could become awkward as people have little else to speak about besides bad politics, sports and internet these days. But even if you take your family to visit another family for two minutes, you would have had a lekker kuier.

"Don't even tell your guests that you'll be visiting. Just rock up when they are having dinner and surprise them. When you give them a heads-up, people will make up all sorts of excuses for you not to visit. They'll be upset about you disturbing their dinner, but for the sake of diplomacy, they wouldn't let you know it."

Joseph Radebe, a man who doesn't enjoy company, told reporters.. "I'll just take out my phone and be on Facebook all the time. I'll occasionally look up and ask my guests 'howzit', expecting a shallow response. Such a response would be good because then I can get back to facebooking again."

Local economists are expecting a huge upturn in biscuit and coffee sales if South Africans heed to Mthethwa's plea.

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